Candidate for Mayor of Kassel
Dr. Isabel Carqueville

Courage and optimism

As a trade unionist Dr. Isabel Carqueville (39) fights for good results and a better society for all in Hesse every day. There, she works to combine the efforts of voluntary activists and full time unionists alike, connects the dots between differing opinions and finds a balance between different interest groups. For a better and secure future for us all.


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voice in city hall

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100-day program
for Kassel

Dr. Carqueville will deal with political traffic jams in city hall. For a city administration that encourages civil discourse, 
finds common ground and delivers results.

Ending the traffic gridlock

During her first 100 days as mayor of Kassel, Dr. Isabel Carqueville wants to end the political gridlock surrounding public traffic policies.

“There is a huge traffic jam in city hall when it comes to modernizing our traffic infrastructure. This is why we need to bring everyone back to the negotiation table and hammer out an agreement that stays intact for more than a year. An agreement that delivers timely results”, says mayoral candidate Dr. Isabel Carqueville.

All-day care at primary schools

Education is among the essential foundations for a fair and equal society. Therefore, education needs to take a higher priority in city hall. This is why in her first 100 days as mayor of Kassel, Dr. Isabel Carqueville will start preparations for all-day care at all primary schools in our city.
“The best time to stop the shortage of skilled labor in our schools was yesterday. The second best time is today. As mayor of Kassel, I will immediately start preparations for guaranteeing all-day care at Kassel’s primary schools starting in 2026. I will work with educational experts to draft a solid and reliable plan,” says mayoral candidate Dr. Isabel Carqueville.
Dr. Carqueville sees all-day care at primary schools as a promising chance for the future rather than a political chore. As she has a doctorate in the educational sciences, she will get to work for a better future for all kids in our city.

Renew strategic regional partnerships

Dr. Isabel Carqueville wants to renew economic partnership programs in the region of North Hesse and Kassel in her first 100 days in office. For an economic policy that companies and entrepreneurs can count on with continued investment into our region’s infrastructure and city of Kassel. She wants to return to a policy of expansion regarding public transport to make good use of the coming €49 ticket for all citizens.

“Our economic policy needs a regional outlook and focus. Companies and entrepreneurs need a point of contact in city hall with a renewed focus on regional matters. Taking the successful work of the “Regionalmanagement” as an example, we need to appoint a city representative for regional enterprises. In doing so, I will integrate the “Wirtschaftsförderung” of our region with other regional economic investment programs. They should all be led by a new representative for these matters in city hall,” says mayoral candidate Dr. Isabel Carqueville. “Kassel should present itself as an equal partner for the region – and we should celebrate our successes together as a region.”

Securing a future for documenta

The new construction of a building for the famed documenta institute sadly failed several years ago. Nothing has happened ever since. In her first 100 days in office, Dr. Isabel Carqueville will bring these plans back on the agenda in city hall.

“Some of the criticism of documenta in 2022 cut to the core of its identity and importance for our city. It is vital to lay the groundwork for a secure future for documenta in 2023. The documenta institute can no longer linger in the city hall’s drawers. It’s the most visible cornerstone of a new strategy to secure the future for a conceptually independently run documenta in Kassel, to have it continue be the most important exhibition for contemporary art in the world”, says mayoral candidate Dr. Isabel Carqueville.

Dr. Carqueville wants Kassel to keep its equal share in documenta in the future. She is against “guarded curation” and wants documenta to preserve its artistic freedom and independence from daily politics in city hall. Dr. Carqueville supports current plans to let the creative directors of former documenta exhibitions decide on the subsequent appointments.

New leadership in city hall

The politics of party whips in city hall is over. In her first 100 days as mayor of Kassel, Dr. Isabel Carqueville will establish a new culture of collaboration and tolerance of differing opinions with employees and managers across all of city hall, as well as with the democratic parties of the municipal council (Stadtverordnetenversammlung).

“There needs to be a division of power again between the lord mayor’s office and the public chief finance officer in city hall. For too long, the lord mayor has served both roles. Thus effectively stopping many projects for the future of our city without giving them any thought beyond the current year’s city finances. The lord mayor’s office needs to re-establish a good working relationship with the other elected magistrates in city hall”, says mayoral candidate Dr. Isabel Carqueville.

Additionally, Dr. Carqueville will re-establish the press office in city hall, which has been part of the mayor’s direct supervision during the last five years.
“The employees and elected officials in city hall offer our city a wealth of knowledge and experience. I want to establish cooperation and appreciation of people’s work and projects in city hall. As part of that, I need a more independent press office that stops being a party whip for the mayor’s office and starts creating media strategies for important projects for the future of our city.”

Doubling social housing efforts

We are looking at a breakdown of investments in the housing sector due to rising costs and inflation. Because of this, in her first 100 days in office, Dr. Isabel Carqueville will double the city’s social housing efforts to make it worthwhile for investors to build housing in Kassel.

“Housing investors big and small are abandoning their efforts in Kassel right now. That’s potentially thousands of new apartments not being built, 30 percent of which, by law, has to be social housing. I cannot and will not accept this downward trend as inevitable.
Every new living space in Kassel is sorely needed. Because of that, I will double the city’s part in housing investment for social housing. (Kommunale Förderung des sozialen Wohnungsbaus). That is well-invested money in times of crisis and beyond”, says mayoral candidate Dr. Isabel Carqueville.


Die Oberbürgermeisterkandidatin Dr. Isabel Carqueville wird Ihre grundsätzlichen Positionen zu den Themen veröffentlichen, die die Menschen in Kassel interessieren. Transparent soll auf diese Weise sichtbar sein, wofür Dr. Carqueville einsteht.


“Wir haben seit Jahren ein Gewinnerkonzept für den Platz. Es gab einen intensiven Beteiligungsprozess. Jetzt muss auch mal Schluss sein mit den Änderungsanträgen. Der Brüder-Grimm-Platz ist ein Zukunftsprojekt und birgt große Chancen zur weiteren Aufwertung der Innenstadt, ja sogar für einen komplett neuen Schwerpunkt Richtung der Museen. Deshalb trete ich dafür ein, dass dieses Projekt nun zügig umgesetzt wird”, sagt Dr. Isabel Carqueville.


“Gute Idee, schlecht umgesetzt. Drei Dinge hätte das Rathaus grundsätzlich besser machen müssen: Erstens auf die fachlichen Bedenken von Fachexpert:innen hören. Zweitens eine strategische Öffentlichkeitsarbeit betreiben, denn der Teufel liegt für viele Menschen eben doch im Detail, darüber muss transparent und nicht nur im Nebensatz informiert werden. Aber am wichtigsten ist der dritte Punkt. Sobald der Fehler im Rathaus deutlich wurde, hätte man Nachsteuern müssen. Das ist leider nicht geschehen, sehr zum Schaden von vielen Menschen in Kassel”, sagt Dr. Isabel Carqueville.

Weitere Positionen:

Im Laufe des Wahlkampfs wird Dr. Isabel Carqueville Stück für Stück weitere Positionen hier veröffentlichen, zum Beispiel zu konkreten Fragen der Stadtentwicklung und einzelnen Anliegen aus den Stadtteilen. Sie entwickelt ihre Positionen zusammen mit Fachexpert:innen.

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